AUSTIN--The gentleman poked a passer-by and gestured
at a lady watching the proceedings, pointing out the Democratic Party symbols
on the lady’s shirt.
“She’s wearing asses!” he told the passer-by – the third
or fourth such passer-by to receive the vulgar greeting, and physically
intimidated his victim by poking his finger at her. “She’s got asses on
her chest!”
The subject of the speaker’s provocation, an older woman
attending Saturday’s rally organized by in favor of socialist
healthcare, did not respond to the loud and vulgar man attempting to ridicule
and provoke her. He eventually tired and went hunting someone else to annoy.
I spent most of Saturday’s event doing my very best to
play the role of reporter – as much as I wanted to lend my voice to those
supporting our cause, I remained silent and did my best to observe the
events as dispassionately as possible from a neutral viewpoint. That is,
after all, a reporter’s job.
But this, I couldn’t let go. I leaned over to the offended
lady and her husband, offered my handshake in apology, and said: “Ma’am,
I’m sorry about that. He does not represent us.”
I do not know whether or not the offensive gentleman in
question was a member of our movement or not. I suspect not, since the
primary message I heard him voicing loudly again and again was how much
he hates Barack Obama and the Democratic Party, rather than offering any
support for Texas nationalism.
But he is a bully, and I hate bullies. I always have,
and always will.
We stand for a cause. It is a cause about which we are
passionate. It is a cause for which most of us are ready to fight.
But bullying and belittling those who hold different views
accomplishes nothing – it’s cheap, it’s counter-productive, it lacks class…
and it’s the favored tactic of our opposition. We don’t need to stoop to
their level.
By doing so, we prove to our opposition and to outside
observers that we are what they say we are—a bunch of uneducated rednecks
who are full of hate.
The funny thing is, many of the people attending the pro-government-run
healthcare rally which followed ours aren’t as far off in left field as
many of us might think. To be true, the hard-core organizers
are completely lost in leftist la-la land, but many of their foot soldiers
are simply unaware that there are alternatives.
I conversed for several minutes with the lady and her
husband, in a reasonable and polite tone. I learned why they support socialist
health care: they’re scared. They fear their savings won’t be able to cover
the medical costs they expect in the next few years. They’re afraid that
our movement would eliminate the Social Security and other benefits they
have earned over a productive lifetime.
I educated them, politely and reasonably. I explained
our views, and pointed out why we oppose government-run anything, and invited
them to contribute to our discussions at the website
forums. We shook hands again, agreeing to disagee.
I hope they will take up my invitation, and I’m fairly
sure that they left the event Saturday with a little different take on
what we are all about.
We can rally all we want, march and protest and come up
with great slogans—but bullying and intimidation won’t win us the support
of our fellow Texans.
The hand of friendship will. |